An application form which is issued by the School has to be completed and submitted along with the necessary documents the stipulated time allotted by the Management. General instructions given to be read carefully and adhered to.
Once the form is submitted, the selection committee will scrutinize the form and selected candidates will be informed about the entrance test and personal interview. The panel will determine the admission based on eligibility anderit.
When new entrants are accepted, the following documents should be completed and filed in our office when the admission is declared final.
Progress report
Original Birth Certificate
Original TC
Caste/Tribe Certificate [In case of SC/ST/OBC only]
Students seeking admission to Pre-nursery should be at least 3 years of age as on 1st June of the academic year.
Students seeking admission to LKG should be at least 4 years of age as on 1st June of the academic year.
Admission will be conducted in strict accordance with current rules and regulations of the board. As the number of registered applications is extremely large and far in excess of the limited number of seats available, selection will be based on eligibility and merit; the latter generally determined by entrance / selection tests and interviews.
Transfer from other schools should be accompanied by an official Transfer Certificate for Std II onwards.
For children from schools outside Karnataka, the educational authority from the other state must countersign the Transfer Certificate.
Admission after the first term or during the middle of an academic year will not be considered.
Kindly contact us on all working days between (Monday - Friday) 8.30am - 4.00pm on (Saturday) 8.30am -12.30pm except 2nd Saturday and Government holiday. 080-28616636, 6364353291, 6364453127, 9663099228(Admissions), 9972521382(Transport)