* All the children admitted to this School will be subject to the entire programme of the School for the academic year.
* Parents are not allowed to interfere directly or indirectly with the administration of the School. However, during the Parents / Teacher Meeting and interaction, parents can give their suggestions and feedback if required
* Children’s promotion will be governed by the criteria set by the School. There are 3 terms in the School academic year. Tests/ exams will be conducted for primary/ higher classes where attendance is mandatory. If a student falls short of attendance he/she will not be considered for promotion.
* No child is allowed to leave the school premises without permission of the Principal. Required permission in writing has to be obtained from the Principal which need to be handed over to the security before the child leaves the school.
* The School keeps parents regularly informed about school matters by a note written in the school diary. Parents are requested to ensure that their children show them the School Diaries. Copies of the circular are usually put at the entrance.
* The children are not permitted to wear expensive articles / watches and other items. The School will not be responsible for the loss of personal property brought to School by them.
* Vandalizing School property throwing stones, sand and anything solid, indulging in colours, scribbling on the walls, bursting crackers, bringing recorders, cell phones is strictly prohibited.
* Children should not to be sent to school when they have fever and other physical ailments even during tests or examination.
* Medical appointments to be made on the weekly holidays and not on School days otherwise prior permission must be taken from class teacher/ Principal.
* The leave letters should be written on plain white sheet of paper and addressed to the Class teacher / Principal.
* Students should be properly dressed and be in time to School. They must keep their environment clean & tidy.
* The Principals authority is final and absolute. He/She may at his/her discretion, suspend/expel any student without assigning any reason whatsoever should he/she deem it necessary.
* Parents / Visitors wishing to go around the school must first obtain the permission from the Principal.
* Parents are requested to kindly follow the rules mentioned below:
* Check & sign the school diary everyday to ensure that the lesson and assignment given are completed regularly.
* Late arrival will be treated as an act of indiscipline and will not be tolerated. The school gates closes sharp at 8.25 am. Care should be taken to be in School before the Scheduled time. Students must be present without fail on the Reopening day of the School. In case of sickness the School authorities must be notified and a Doctor certificate should be produced.
* No Re-Exam will be conducted for failed, withheld or for pupils absenting themselves from appearing for any of the examination
* Remarks made in the diary by the School authorities should be signed & taken note of.
* Attend all meetings, as and when it is notified through Diary Note.
* Parents / Guardians / drivers / ayahs are requested not to disturb the teachers or the children while the classes are in session.
* Parents can meet the teachers on 1st Saturday of the Month – Between 9.00 am and 11.30 am. On any other working day, special permission from the Principal is required.