Childhood brings down something of heaven into the midst of our rough earthliness” Perhaps this “Something of Heaven” on this earth must be the School, which is the most vibrant and exciting place to be in.
“A child is a positive asset and a precious national resource which needs to be cherished, nurtured and developed with tenderness and care coupled with dynamism” and to reach this goal a sound education system is the basic requirement. Good education is a process of developing the human personality in all its dimensions-intellectual, physical, social, moral and spiritual- and this can be achieved only through the collective effort of the society as a whole.
It is not enough to see our children as empty vessels, to be filled with facts, skills and knowledge. They are unlit fires just waiting for us to spark the touch paper and ignite an interest in thinking about how and why the world around them works.
Quality education is the only way to national development, survival and contributing to a better world order. The system of education gets changed and modified with the changing needs and aspirations of the society. The Indian system of education has a solid foundation. It incorporates relevant content and introduces innovations in methodology in keeping with the global needs and identifying the unique nature of each learner. Realizing the significance of creative and independent thinking ability, a child centered and activity based process has been introduced, here at Baldwins.